Kosh Gyan
Understanding of the Human Being in the Light of Anthroposophy
- in collaboration with Devodhyog Foundation
Date: 5th to 9th, November 2019,
Venue: Devodhyog Foundation, B-3/ 8, Block B3, Janakpuri, New Delhi, Delhi 110058
This seminar is an an introduction to 'Anthroposophy', meaning the 'wisdom of man', based on the philosophy and teachings of Rudolf Steiner(1860-1925). The seminar sessions will look at the human being from a four fold perspective as comprised of body, formative body(etheric) soul and spirit. Then we will explore the methadology of working with children and adults with Special Needs based on understanding of human beings in their totality.
Program Schedule

Resource Persons
Halina Rubinz
Halina is a qualified waldorf teacher and curative educator with 45 years of hands on experience working in the field of education worldwide. She is from New Zealand and currently in India volunteering with Nandavanam Center of Excellence for Children with Developmental Challenges,Chennai. Some of the institutions she has been associated with in her career are, The Bridge Community in Ireland, Camphill Farm Community in South Africa, Camphill School in South Africa, American Language Centre in Nepal, Shanti-Sewa in Nepal, Tashi Waldorf School in Nepal, Christchurch Rudolf Steiner school in New Zealand, Hohepa Homes in New Zealand, Field study Centers in Israel, Warrah in N.S.W. Australia etc. She did her studies in Emerson College, England and Auckland Teachers College New Zealand. Archeology, history, music, theatre (acting, writing and directing) handcrafts, literature, creative writing, poetry reading and writing, interior decorating, volunteering in animal facilities are some of her other interests. Halina look forward to share her experience and learnings to people working in the same field and that is what make her healthy and young.
Liane Da Gama
Liane is a Special Educator by profession and has been working in the field for the past 20 years. She is the founder and project coordinator at Atmavishwas - The Vocational Centre for young adults with disabilities in Goa. She met Anthroposophy in 2004 and her journey took her to CamphillVillage Copake USA for 2 years where she lived and worked with adults with disabilities. She has completed an orienation course & foundation seminar in Curative Education & Social Therapy, Bangalore, India. Liane now looks forward to sharing her experiences with new people so as to inspire them to look at not only people with disabilities, but also every other person through "human" eyes. The world needs people who understand the human being as well as a compassionate and loving world that respects the human in each other.
Shika Kaushik
Shikha is a RCI certified Rehabilitation Professional and a qualified Special Educator. She has completed her foundation course in Curative Education and Social Therapy from Friends of Camphill, Bangalore. A mother of a special child herself, she has more than 22 years of experience working with intellectually challenged people. Shikha has conducted many training workshops for parents of special children, with the belief that empowering parents can bring about a better understanding of their child. She was a incharge of Air Force School (Autism Section), New Delhi; Inspiration Center, New Delhi and V-Xcel, a vocational training institute in Chennai. Shikha has founded Devodhyog Foundation, a Not for Profit Organisation, based on Anthrophosipical Principles in 2012. Here, adults with Special Needs are provided meaningful work opportunities in order to facilitate them to live a dignified life, be financially empowered and become contributing members of society through their work. Devodhyog Foundation is financially self-sustaining and it’s products are sold in India and across the Globe.