Annual Conference 2023
Seeds for Social Renewal
Karl König’s lectures gathered in the volume ’Seeds for Social Renewal’, formerly known as the ‘Village Conference Lectures’, laid the groundwork for the approach to inclusive community building that has been developed in the Camphill movement and beyond. They do not set out a specific form of community, but rather help to develop an inner orientation, a way of looking at the human being in its diversity, which can serve as a starting point and foundation for community-building.
How can we recognize each other, in our individual biographical journeys, beyond the ‘masks’ we wear and the roles we play, so that we can weave a fabric of social relationships that allows us to imagine and create new ways of being, working and learning together? On this journey, we are called to become social artists. Together, we will explore the third set of lectures “Learning and Working - The Karma of Vocation” and enter the socially-imaginative process that König invites us on. What are the possibilities and opportunities for inclusive community-building that open up when we approach our contemporary social situation in this way?
Jan Christopher Goeschel, Ph.D.
Jan is a trained Waldorf teacher and curative educator. He is a member of the community at The Camphill School, where he lives, while serving the North American region as President of the Camphill Academy and the worldwide movement of Camphill and related organizations as Managing Director and Member of the Leadership Team of the Anthroposophic Council for Inclusive Social Development. In that capacity, he is also a member of the International Training Council for Curative Education and Social Therapy and has taught and served as a consultant internationally.
His past roles include houseparent, high school teacher and Director of Programs for The Camphill School’s K-12 program. Jan holds an MA (Hons) in Psychology from the University of Edinburgh, an MA in Educational Leadership with Pennsylvania teacher certification in special education, and a PhD in Special Education and Rehabilitation Sciences from the University of Cologne.
Dr. Christina Spitta, GP
Christina is a General Practitioner from Germany, having her own Anthroposophic/Allopathic Clinic together with two colleagues near Stuttgart, South Germany, where she treats children and adults from all ages and with all kinds of challenges, combining Medicine and Spacial Dynamics.
She is also trained as a Spacial Dynamics Movement Therapist and Trainer (www.spacialdynamics.com), as a Bothmer Trainer, and is on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Anthroposophic Body Therapies (www.iaabt-medsektion.net) as a founding member since 2009.
For 12 years she co-directs training (Level I and II) in Spacial Dynamics in Italy, Hungary and also Romania, where they started training for 25 Physiotherapists in 2019. Since eight years she is also a member of the “Teach the Teacher in Anthroposophic Medicine” team of instructors in Dornach, Switzerland and internationally gives workshops and lectures.
She holds and is a part of various study groups in Anthroposophy for people to be touched by this understanding to become world citizens, to rediscover Humanity in themselves, through Soul-Spiritual Self-Knowledge. She calls this journey "Practical Vedanta" which is in line with our cultural practices of "Karma Yoga".
Dr. Veera Panch
Dr. Veera Panch graduated from Manipal Medical College, Manipal. She has worked in the UK and Brunei for close to two decades then returned to India and worked with Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore in their Community Health & Development department (CHAD) which outreaches 83 villages. Later she joined the Department of Neurology in Chennai in the two centre's- public Health Centre (West Mambalam) and at Voluntary Health Services (VHS), Taramani, helped set up the Neuro Rehabilitation unit (in VHS) incorporating Anthroposophical insights successfully. She is a qualified community physician from the UK and has been working with various organizations in India. Her experiences extend from the jungles of Brunei to the villages of Vellore.
Her Anthroposophic work started in 2005 in India. Qualified as an Anthroposophic physician and holds a Rhythmic Massage Therapist Diploma from the UK. She belongs to the first cycle of three years Camphill Foundation Course from Bengaluru for Curative Education and Social Therapy. She is the recipient of a scholarship to the English Anthroposophic Studies in Dornach.
She opened India's first Anthroposophic clinic in 2013 in Chennai. She was invited to be Mentor and Consultant to start Nandavanam Center for Healing Education in 2014 through Anthroposophic Insights where intuitively she has been helping the children unfold through continuing staff education in Anthroposophy.
She continues to be a student of Rudolf Steiner and her life is guided by her passion for Anthroposophy which has been strengthened by her working Biographical journey of vast and varied experience working in several countries and would very much like to see a Camphill Community develop in Chennai in the future.
She holds and is a part of various study groups in Anthroposophy for people to be touched by this understanding to become world citizens, to rediscover Humanity in themselves, through Soul-Spiritual Self-Knowledge. She calls this journey "Practical Vedanta" which is in line with our cultural practices of "Karma Yoga".
Augustine Thilak
Augustine Thilak, is a multifaceted Artist who uses the Therapeutic side of Art to connect with people. He has exhibited his art as well as given workshops in various cities of India. He works with curative and Waldorf inspired schools in Chennai.
Augustine is an avid trekker who enjoys all the challenges he experiences on treks especially while exploring “The Himalayas”. His fascination towards the workings of the mind led him to pursue study in psychotherapy after graduating in fine arts. He has also trained in Yoga and other alternative therapies (Varma, Touch Therapy) that have helped him to deepen his understanding of Man in a holistic way. This learning and understanding of the uniqueness and individuality of each person, supports him in his work with children and adults with disabilities. His learning includes painting from Rudolf Steiner Painting School, Dornach, Switzerland.
He is a member of the Anthroposophical Society, Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland, Avapanam (Forum for Inclusive Social Development) India and of the Anthroposophical Medical Society (AMS - Chennai).
Sudha Athmaraj
Sudha Athmaraj is the Co founder of Arvind Foundation, an NGO for the cause of underprivileged children with special needs.
Through this Foundation she and her dedicated team had been doing yeoman service to the special needs children & young adults through 5 of their centers located in Chennai and other parts of Tamilnadu.
Blessed with a special needs adult Arvindraj 22 yrs,who served as an inspiration to start the NGO, Sudha and her husband Athmaraj have been in this service field for the past 17 years.
She has done her M.A, B.Ed and a Foundation course in Curative education and Social therapy.
Working Groups
Morning Working Groups
Conversation with Jan Goeschel
This is an open conversation group that will allow participants to explore themes of the Conference Lectures via dialogue and sharing.
Conversation with Christina Spitta
Participants will get an opportunity to deepen their understanding of Spacial Dynamics through conversation, sharing and examples. There will also be opportunities to do movements.
Conversation with Dr. Veera
Participants will get an opportunity to deepen their experiences and understanding of the last set of 3 lectures entitled “Learning and Working - The Karma of Vocation”. This will be a working group entailing conversations and sharing along with a question answer session.
Afternoon Workshops ( Sign up for workshops will be offered at Registration Desk)
Experiencing colour with Augustine Thilak.
Vocational Education and its benefits with Arvind Foundation.
Cultural activities and its importance for people with Special Needs.
Program Schedule