Council @ Dornach
Our Field of Work
Partner Organisations
Message: Jan Goeschel
Message: Dr. Swapna Narendra
Message: Liane Da Dama
Message: Micky Joseph

To facilitate Social Renewal by practicing Curative Education and Social Therapy.
To connect all stakeholders in the world of children and adults with developmental challenges. In doing so, to advocate human dignity.
To organize workshops and meetings in order to deliver this process of connectivity.
To support professionals to bring Curative Education and Social Therapy to expression in schools, day centers and life sharing communities.
Avapanam works out of the understanding that the human being is of a spiritual nature .
Avapanam acknowledges that all individual developmental challenges are a matter of destiny which need to be facilitated to a good future.
Common intentions and goals
“Avapanam” is the Indian Forum for Inclusive Social Development. The Forum facilitates the executing of two professional streams. The first being Curative Education, which focuses on the education and healing of children with developmental challenges. And the second one being Social Therapy, which supports adults with developmental challenges to lead a life of dignity and social integration. Both the streams are developed out of Anthroposophy.
Common foundations
Anthroposophy is the foundation of Avapanam’s work in the world through recognition of the spiritual nature in the human being which is brought into our work. Anthroposophy offers many ways of professional schooling to become a curative educator or a social therapist, through this understanding.
Self reflection and inner work are considered of utmost importance. Because our soul forces are the instruments we perform with ,so a strong sense of oneself and one’s inner forces, and limitations, are required to grow in one’s abilities to be a curative educator and social therapist.
Anthroposophy teaches us how to use the tools of imagination, inspiration and intuition therapeutically.
Also additional fields of professional support can be found in the field of Anthroposophy.
Bio-Dynamic Farming for both nourishment and work opportunities thus nurturing a social sphere as therapeutic work opportunities.
Medical support by Anthroposophical Medical Doctors.
The field of Anthroposophical therapies which include Art therapy, Physiotherapy, Rhythmical Massage Therapy, Curative Eurythmy, Music Therapy and Nursing.
Shared values and attitudes
We carry within us a person centered approach. “ Your Need Is My Development”.
We recognize that all human developmental challenges have a component of pain and an incredible potential for positive individual and social change.
We try to develop healthy collegial relationships within the forum and we render a positive support to each other's work.
We are also striving that our mode of actions is generated out of individual free will, simultaneously trying to do justice to the cultural values of our country.
We are practicing a science of care and in doing so we try to redefine what it means to be truly human in the world of today.
Message from the Leadership Team
Dear friends and colleagues in India,
On behalf of our worldwide movement, the Council’s international circle of delegates and the leadership team, I congratulate you on the founding of AVAPANAM! This is an exciting step not only for the work in India but also for the development of our shared efforts to support fulfilling lives for individuals of all abilities and social backgrounds around the globe. The forming of AVAPANAM marks an exciting new step in the development of anthroposophic work in this area in India. The world needs the work done in our organizations and initiatives more than ever before. AVAPANAM provides you with an enhanced platform to share and support each others’ initiatives, connect with colleagues and people from other fields of work in the anthroposophic movement and beyond, and strengthen your presence within the colleagueship of the Council. Our gratitude goes to all of you, who have done so much over the years to build this movement and bring us to where we are now. We look forward to our collaboration in the future through AVAPANAM as a strong partner in India for the Council and our worldwide network of colleagues.
In friendship and appreciation,
For the Council’s Leadership Team

Jan C. Goeschel, Ph.D.,
Bart Vanmechelen &
Sonja Zausch
Message from Country Representative 2014 - 2018
Dear Friends,
It has been a great experience to be the Country Representative for India to the Council of Curative Education and Social Therapy, now called the Council for Inclusive Social Development.
To be a bridge between Dornach, where the council sits, and our network in India has had its fair share of challenges, but it has its opportunities as well. To be able to meet so many colleagues, nationally and internationally, and to visit institutions has been food for the soul.

I am very happy to have handed over the future work to Micky Joseph, with the utmost confidence that our work in India will continue to grow.
“Avapanam” will always be the fertile ground where seeds are constantly sown.
I would like to thank each one of you for the opportunity given.
– Liane Da Gama
Country Representative 2014 - 2018
Message from Country Representative 2019-
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Individual development and human dignity are the foremost components of true social integration. In this dynamic process of social integration, it is very important for individuals to be related to one another in the society and to see how we as individuals can become part of this process. Those of us who have dedicated our life to the field of disability have far more responsibility toward this as we closely hold hands with the one who really struggle in mainstream society.
Here is the significance of the Avapanam forum for inclusive social development: a forum of like-minded people,
professionals and organizations through which the seeds of social integration could be received and facilitated
with proper care.
The goal of this forum is to work together to help everyone in the society to become dignified individuals.
As Goethe rightly said, “One alone does not help, but rather he who unites with others at the right moment.”
So let us work together to make Avapanam a unique platform of sharing and supporting each other.
I thank one and all for choosing me as your representative and I look forward to working with partners who share similar objectives and who seek to strengthen themselves through this beautiful collaboration.
– Micky Joseph
Country Representative