To facilitate Social Renewal by practicing Curative Education and Social Therapy.
To connect all stakeholders in the world of children and adults with developmental challenges. In doing so, to advocate human dignity.
To organize workshops and meetings in order to deliver this process of connectivity.
To support professionals to bring Curative Education and Social Therapy to expression in schools, day centers and life sharing communities.
Avapanam works out of the understanding that the human being is of a spiritual nature .
Avapanam acknowledges that all individual developmental challenges are a matter of destiny which need to be facilitated to a good future.
Common intentions and goals
“Avapanam” is the Indian Forum for Inclusive Social Development. The Forum facilitates the executing of two professional streams. The first being Curative Education, which focuses on the education and healing of children with developmental challenges. And the second one being Social Therapy, which supports adults with developmental challenges to lead a life of dignity and social integration. Both the streams are developed out of Anthroposophy.
Common foundations
Anthroposophy is the foundation of Avapanam’s work in the world through recognition of the spiritual nature in the human being which is brought into our work. Anthroposophy offers many ways of professional schooling to become a curative educator or a social therapist, through this understanding.
Self reflection and inner work are considered of utmost importance. Because our soul forces are the instruments we perform with ,so a strong sense of oneself and one’s inner forces, and limitations, are required to grow in one’s abilities to be a curative educator and social therapist.
Anthroposophy teaches us how to use the tools of imagination, inspiration and intuition therapeutically.
Also additional fields of professional support can be found in the field of Anthroposophy.
Bio-Dynamic Farming for both nourishment and work opportunities thus nurturing a social sphere as therapeutic work opportunities.
Medical support by Anthroposophical Medical Doctors.
The field of Anthroposophical therapies which include Art therapy, Physiotherapy, Rhythmical Massage Therapy, Curative Eurythmy, Music Therapy and Nursing.
Shared values and attitudes
We carry within us a person centered approach. “ Your Need Is My Development”.
We recognize that all human developmental challenges have a component of pain and an incredible potential for positive individual and social change.
We try to develop healthy collegial relationships within the forum and we render a positive support to each other's work.
We are also striving that our mode of actions is generated out of individual free will, simultaneously trying to do justice to the cultural values of our country.
We are practicing a science of care and in doing so we try to redefine what it means to be truly human in the world of today.